Women Health Initiatives

Women Health Initiatives

Under this, HHU’s objective is to promote health and wellbeing through advocating for increased accessibility, availability and utilization of Sexual Reproductive Health Rights and Services and Water, Sanitation and Hygiene. HHU also promotes mental health and emotional wellbeing among women through various self-care approaches and support groups.
Sexual Reproductive Health Rights, Maternal Child Health and HIV prevention The aim of this program is to promoting awareness, participation and advocacy for better service provision in Sexual Reproductive Health, Maternal Child Health, HIV/AIDS and other health services among women and girls. HHU builds community capacity to advocate for qualitative and quantitative Sexual Reproductive Health, Maternal Child Health, and HIV/AIDS care services. HHU works with district and sub county health resource persons, nurses, Health Unit Management Committees, Parish Development Committees, village health teams (VHTs), youth peer educators (YPEs), Private health workers, Traditional birth attendants (TBAs), and community based organizations, to promote access and availability of the reproductive health services. We work with Community Health Workers to provide information, referrals and linkages to health facilities and follow up. Community Health Workers outreach programs contribute to identifying and getting mothers into health facilities in remote and inaccessible areas. HHU works with health workers and village health teams to conduct HIV prevention awareness exercises which include targeted out reaches, identification of new positives and enrolling them. on treatment, follow ups on their retention and suppression of the virus as well as educating young people about the basics of practicing safer sex, abstinence and faithfulness so as to curb further spread of HIV/AIDS in our communities. We also work with likeminded partners and private sector to do direct service provision as well as enable women and youth participate in social accountability for improved service delivery. In partnership with health facilities, HHU organizes mobile clinics for counseling and testing, provision of Health products. HHU also works with Youth Peer Educators (YPEs) and school clubs to carry out community and school out reaches to promote awareness of HIV and STIs through sports, music and drama. Not only does community positively respond to the campaigns but also gives the youth an opportunity to be part of a positive social change in their society
Water hygiene and sanitation
Improved Water Hygiene and Sanitation plays a key role in better maternal and child health, girl child retention in school as well as upholding human dignity. We promote WASH through awareness promotion, supporting households with water systems and hygiene gear to reduce the mothers’ care load of searching for water as well as hand washing. HHU also supports schools and health facilities by constructing boreholes, gravity flow schemes, rain water harvesting and safe water, gender sensitive sanitation facilities, hand washing gear and waste management facilities. HHU also builds community capacity not only to maintain the facilities through Water User communities but to also to advocate better WASH services from other locations.

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